Excursion City tour of banjul, serrekuda and bakau tour at Banjul

Cruise line: Silversea

Get ready for your adventure in this coastal corner of The Gambia, the smallest country in mainland Africa. On this half-day (four hours) tour, visit an open-air farmers' and crafts market, a national museum, a monument, a sanctified crocodile pool, and a batik fabric factory. factory.

Embark from the pier and board your coach for the short drive to Banjul where your first stop is the Banjul National Museum. Explore the museum exhibits that focus on the contributions made by Gambians to the arts, religion, politics, sports and technology. Take in the array of photos, maps, and archaeological finds that help describe the African peoples and their historical colonial period.

Reboard your coach for the drive to the Arch 22, a three-story memorial that commemorates the bloodless coup of July 22, 1994. Pause for photos at this structure, one of the tallest in Gambia at 35 meters.

From here travel to the Kachikally Crocodile Pool of Bakau, one of three sacred crocodile pools used as sites of fertility ritutals in The Gambia. The crocs, which are estimated to number about 80, are awaiting their photo opportunity. The animals roam freely, and can be approached and even touched if you dare.

Continue to the town of Serrekunda, also spelled Serekunda, the largest town in Gambia. The name means "the home of the Sere family," in honor the 19th century founder. Discover this town made up of nine small villages that have merged over the years. Visit the Musu Kebba Batik (and tie dye) Factory. Witness traditional fabric design, including the waxing, boiling and dyeing of the beautiful textiles. Learn the significance of this artistry, passed on through the ancestors, to The Gambian culture where textiles are important in social and religious events, and tell the story of a way of life.

Climb back aboard your coach for the brief drive to the colorful, not-to-be-missed Albert Market where you will find yourself in a slipstream of bustling, bartering, and bargaining. Stroll among the stalls of household items, fruits and vegetables, and souvenirs offered here. You may even purchase some traditional clothing, brilliant batiks, local crafts, or other keepsakes. Be prepared to bargain; it is expected!

With mementos in tow, reboard your coach for the return trip to the pier.

Points of interests

Points of interest seen on this excursion include: Albert Market, National Museum, Arch 22, Crocodile pool in Bakau, Musu Kebba Batik factory.


Please note: This excursion is not recommended for guests with limited mobility because it involves moderate walking. Comfortable clothing and shoes, hats/caps, sunglasses, sunscreen and insect repellant are recommended. Photographs are prohibited at security check point, army bases, and embassies.